Huntsman Cancer Institute - University of Utah
Huntsman Cancer Institute - University of Utah

Changing Your Password
Have you forgotten your password, or would you just like to change it? The instructions to the right will help you change or reset your password.

Registration / Login
For help registering to use the UPDBL Query Tool Register
Or back to login Login

University of Utah Users:
If you have registered using your uNID (u00000000), your password is tied to the University Campus Information System. Please use the Campus Information System to change or reset your password.

Users with a Huntsman Cancer Institute Account
If you have registered using your HCI username and password, your password is linked to your HCI account.
For passowrd changes, please refer to the following document: Password Changes

If you have forgotten your password and need it reset, please contact the HCI Help Desk. Please email or call 5-0330 for help.

* Your new password will be emailed to the email address that you used to register